Senin, 14 September 2009

what is organic chemistry

you are already highly skilled organic chemist. As you read these words, your eyes are using an organic compound (retinal) to convert visible light into nerve impulse. When you picked up this book, your muscles were doing chemical reactions on sugar to give you the energi you needed. As you understand, gaps between your brain cells are being bridged by simple organic molecules (neurotransmitter amines) so that nerve impulse can be passed around your brain. And you did all that without consciously thinking about it. you do not yet understand these processed in your mind as well as you can carry them out in your brain and body. you are not alone there. No Organic no chemist, and however briliant, understands the detailed chemical working of them human mind or body very well.
We the author, include ourselves in this generalization, but we are going to show you in this book what enourmus strides have been taken in the understanding of organiv chemistry since the scince cam into being in the early years of the nineteenth century. organic chemistry began as a tantive attampt to understand the chemistry of life it has grown into the confident basic of vast multinational industries that feed. clothe and cure millions of people without their even being aware of the role of chemistry in their lives.

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